DolderClassics 2th of September 2012
The Swiss rescue team REGA will be at the last DolderClassics in 2012 on 2nd of September. They will bring an old Alloutte…
DolderClassics 13th of August 2012
Open blue sky – best conditions fort he 7th EFG-Bank DolderClassics. More than 3000 visitors and some 400 classic cars met for their…
DolderClassics 10th of June 2012
Early in the morning the weather was not nice. Before the opening Lotus Club Switzerland with president Ron „flushed“ in with more than…
5th Dolder Classics on 13th of May 2012
The Weatherforecast was not the best. But lucky DolderClassics had again a very sunny and dry Sunday. Although it was mother’s day and…
Beyer Chronograph
Win a marvellous Beyer Chronograph and participate the Dolder Classics ! Flyer
Dolderclassics neu mit Oldtimergalerie Toffen und einer Auktion
Die Oldtimergalerie ( Toffen wird am 10. Juni 2012 innerhalb der Dolderclassics eine Auktion veranstalten; ab 14.00 Uhr – Für Einlieferungen oder Fragen:…
- Amicale Peugeot Veteranen Club Suisse
- Amphicar
- Aston Martin Owners' Club Switzerland
- Austin Healey Club Switzerland
- Austin Morris Wolseley Freunde
- Bentley Drivers Club - Swiss Region
- Citroën Classic
- Cobra Owners Schwimmauto
- DeTomaso Club Schweiz
- DeTomaso Pantera
- Fédération suisse des véhicules anciens
- Freunde des alten Blechs Region Brugg
- Fulvia Freunde
- Jaguar Drivers' Club Switzerland
- Jensen Car Club of Switzerland
- Lotus Club
- Maserati Club
- Maserati Club Schweiz
- Mercedes-Benz Veteranenclub Schweiz
- MG C Club
- Mini Marcos Club
- Morgan-Club
- Old MG Club
- Rolls Royce Enthusiasts Club RREC Club
- Rover Club Schweiz
- Swiss-MGV8/IG
- Topolinoclub Zürich
- (Lancia Club Schweiz)
- AMWF / Stöckli Martin
- Dönni Jaguar Classics
- Frei Georg Classic Cars
- Gerling Racing
- Gratwohl Vinzenz Classic Cars
- Neufeld Peter , Special Cars
- Nöthinger Christian Speep Shop
- Petitjean Sabine
- Prestige Cars Egli H.R.
- Sattlerei Jaggi